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A Military Installment Loan Can Keep You American in Germany

Sometimes, our active duty military personnel must venture into places that aren’t safe for their spouses and children. This, of course, means that the family must remain back home in the States while our soldiers, sailors, and airmen are deployed. There are some locations around the world where our troops are sent that DO accommodate military families. Usually, these areas are in Europe and Asia.

When you and your family are sent to live out of the country, there are still parental obligations that must be fulfilled, like simply still raising an American. One of the key aspects to growing up as an American is the family vacation. When you’re in a foreign country, it’s still possible to provide American-esque experiences for your kids.

A military installment loan can help. If you’re reserved about spending too much cash while you’re out of the country in hopes of keeping it all in the bank back home, you can take out a military installment loan to pay for a family trip. These loans are specifically for those in the service – any individual on active duty is qualified to apply, regardless of rank, pay-grade, bad credit, or no credit. The first 90 days are interest-free same as cash, and when the interest does kick in, it’s kept at a low rate so you can pay it back more easily. Approval online is instant, and the money is deposited into your account quickly, so you can get a move on to your destination.


If you’re living on Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, you might take advantage of the fact that there are several countries in Western Europe that have strong military alliances with the United States. They all make great vacation spots. Take our old friends the Brits. If you’re going to include Dublin or Belfast on your itinerary, leave the kids at home or take a baby sitter, because there’s way too much fun to be had in the pubs. Otherwise, the British Isles have tremendous history, stylish western accommodations, and reasonably friendly attitude towards Americans.

Some great attractions in the UK are as follows:

  • Windsor Castle – The home of the Queen
  • Althorp – The resting place of Princess Di
  • Manchester – A great pub and sports town
  • Hadrian’s Wall – The Great Wall of… Scotland
  • White Cliffs of Dover – Natural Beauty at its best

A US Military Loan Can Get You to Atlanta from Ft. Benning

The military is always on the move. Eh… scratch that. The military is always moving YOU. True, it’s often deployment, but it’s also often reassignment or relocation. Ft Benning, Ft Campbell, Ft Bragg… they just will not leave you alone. Fortunately, usually, where you end up isn’t too shabby. Many places embrace their military folks, and they sometimes have specials events and deals for them. This helps, because usually when you’ve just moved, you’re broke.

What can also help is a US military loan. These loans are designed especially for active duty personnel on the move. They are interest-free for the first 90 days, and you qualify despite rank or credit. Moving can, of course, kill your budget, and so the loan helps you start learning the local hotspots and customs without waiting for the day when you finally get caught up from the move.


Unfortunately, Ft. Benning is positively in the middle of nowhere, and the town hasn’t really sprung up around the base with a myriad of things to do. If you really want to have some fun, then you’ll have to hop in the car (or on the bus) and make the 2 hour trip up to Atlanta. HERE, you will find all the fun you can handle.

Atlanta is, in a word, complete. For instance, there is major league team in every sport imaginable… except for hockey. They can’t seem to hold onto a NHL team to save their lives, losing two within the past 20 years. (In the South… who knew?) The State of Georgia is also home to top flight Division 1 NCAA action from both the ACC and the SEC – the two most powerful conferences in the country. Georgia is a sports fan’s dream come true.

Being one of the largest metro areas in the country, Atlanta is not short on nightlife. There is a huge hiphop music scene there, as well as country and rock. There are literally hundreds of clubs and after-hours bars all throughout Atlanta and her suburbs. Many are in the college districts, and many are in the Underground, which is a shopping and entertainment area set up as an underground mall downtown.

Atlanta is also known as the food capital of the South, beginning to rival New York and Los Angeles in innovative culinary arts. The popular television show TopChef on Bravo has featured several impressive chefs from the Atlanta in the past several seasons, all of whom own successful restaurants there.